Wednesday, May 18, 2011

slowly i just don't feel like it...
i want to not hear of it...
still from you i still hear of it...
and there i thought you knew of it...

i am something important to you...
yet i don't feel that way anymore...
the light between us getting dimmer...
and i am afraid it will come to total darkness...

Friday, May 13, 2011

slowly i feel...
feel that it was not like before...
feel that it was getting dull...
the feeling of being thrown aside...

the flame is getting dimmer,
but cannot be ignited back...
if not both was to preserve it...
so what use is there for me to linger?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

slowly slowly...
i walk towards understanding...
and slowly slowly...
i lose grip on it again...

why is there so many things...
so many things to learn,
so many things to understand???
no one can answer this properly....